miércoles, 19 de junio de 2019


Aquí tenéis los enlaces a algunas de las canciones y cuentos que hemos estado trabajando desde el área de inglés en los diferentes niveles de Educación Infantil durante el tercer trimestre:

Shapes song (3 years old)
The moon is in the river (story, 3 years old)
I can sing a rainbow (4 years old)
Open shut them (3, 4 and 5 years old)
The Gruffalo song (4 and 5 years old)
Singing the Gruffalo song (4 and 5 years old)
The Gruffalo story (4 and 5 years old)
The Gruffalo clips compilation (4 and 5 years old)
The very hungry caterpillar animated story (5 years old)
The very hungry caterpillar song (5 years old)

viernes, 7 de junio de 2019


Resultado de imagen de penny lane

Click on the link below so that you can listen and watch the video of Penny Lane by The Beatles!!

And, just in case you want to practise, there you have the lyrics:


Here you have the links to the videos we have watched in the class about the amazing life of Helen Keller. I hope you enjoy them:

The amazing life of Helen Keller

How Helen Keller learned to talk


1. Vocabulary: look at the flashcard and say what it is (2 points)

2. Grammar (6 points)

2.1. Look at the picture and describe what you can see using two affirmative and two negative sentences (2 points)
- There is a (seagull). There are some (turtles).
- There aren't any (sharks). There aren't any (swordfish).

2. 2. Talk about two of the characters on the photographs using affirmative and negative sentences (2 points)
- Anne Sullivan was a (teacher). She wasn't an (architect).
- John Lennon was (English). He wasn't (Spanish).

2.3. Answer to the questions (2 points)
- What was your favourite (toy) when you were young? My favourite (toy) was a (teddy bear).

3. Read out the dialogue (2 points)